
Monday, May 20, 2013

Glad On The Path...

Psalm 32:7: You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble, and surround me with songs of deliverance.

Do songs of deliverance ring your ears?  What does this sound like?

After a couple of very busy years for myself and quite a few more for my hubby we are off in just a few days, heading on our big sabbatical trip...oh to be delivered with some rest and special family time ahead.  

I have been reminiscing this week about our last sabbatical RV trip taken in 2006 up the East coast.  I cherish these memories with my boys, who were just 3 and 5 years old then. 

What an adventure! There was time for play and time for rest.

Fort Henry, NY
Lake George, NY
Trolly in Hershey, PA
Fishing at Golden Hill Lighthouse
Lake Erie

Helping dad with canoe
Canoe ride on Lake George

 Even lady bugs on the beach!

Ladybugs at Port Clinton
Sunset on Lake Erie

I am taking this down time to focus on my family and am asking God to make clear the direction of my path.  I am sensing a change on the horizon for several reasons.

Some things have come up recently for me that have caused me to take pause and re-evaluate my path- yes this Princess Path…that is why I am sharing it here.  Really, this is not a bad thing.

Do you take time to pause and evaluate your path?

 I so love this tidbit of info I got while listening to special guest, Laurie Beth Jones on Girlfriendit Radio.  You can listen here.  Laurie Beth shared 3 questions to ask ourselves in order to assess if we are on the path that God has for us…oh these were just nuggets for me:

1 – Am I doing work that honors God?
2 – Am I doing work that honors me?
3 – Am I making a living doing this work?

I am so thankful for these timely questions as I assess this path that I am on and what an opportunity for me to rest on this path and process through these questions? 

Such sweet words penned by David in Psalm 32 and I feel my body sink deeper into the cushions of my sofa as I absorb them deep within my heart.  Life is surely not perfect, but I am rejoicing in the Lord and glad to be on this path. 

A path full of joy and happiness amidst life’s uncertainty.  
Thankful for this path...

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