
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

HOPE and the Next Level

Do you ever hear of someone’s life story and it just moves you? Have you ever seen someone with such passion and with such a heart to change their life for the better? Why does this inspire me so? A story of a young man living with little hope and yet still so passionate and driven to live better. I recently saw the movie Blindside and then also saw the 20/20 news clip which explained more of Michael Oher’s story to NFL fame.
The new clip shared another story so similar and this then reminded me of yet another wonderful story of hope that touched the local community where I live and have chosen to raise my own children. When I hear of stories like this it touches my heart…and you just can’t help but praise God for moments and stories like these. In some way I sense God is touching the hearts of His children with His love...and Love motivates!
In the core of my being, a warmth full of peace and love radiates out of my soul and the truth of God’s Word echoes, “LORD, you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely you will listen to their cries and comfort them. You will bring justice to the orphans and the oppressed, so people can no longer terrify them. “ (Psalm 10:17-18).
How beautiful that our God allows us to hear story after story…first from His own life-giving Word, and then in the stories that surround us. So why aren’t more inspired and more lives changed some seem to ask? What about the numerous lives left unchanged. God is still there…the HOPE is still there for the offering…the missing factor is in the soul of the unchanged!
I recently heard someone say, “I want to be ALL IN!” Could that be what is missing from an unchanged heart? Could we repeat the heart of Michael Oher and say, “I want better than I have right now. I’m going to work hard this day to get to the next level.”(Michael Oher)

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