
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Joshua!

At 8:08am just 8 years ago; God gave me and my family a precious gift. He was to share his birthday with Jesus but God brought him just early enough to be home and hearing carolers in the neighborhood by Christmas Eve…

As I remember today and the gift of my first born son, Joshua; I can’t help but remember the gift of a precious baby boy we all have been given…and with that we are able to receive the gift of faith!

What is faith? How can I have it and you have it but our neighbor down the street does not?

Just as my son is a gift from God…my faith and your faith is a gift from God. Some days my faith may seem great and other days my faith may seem small. But it does not matter how my faith may feel or seem…I know it is there because God has given it to me.

I am never self-sufficient in my faith; my faith is a constant process of daily renewing my trust in Jesus.

I wake up each and every morning praising God for who He is and I clothe myself with His love, His mercy and His grace. I am fully aware of God’s love for me. For I am His and He is mine; bought with the precious blood of Christ.

God lavishes me with His love daily; and I cannot do anything to change His love for me. I cannot do anything to make God love me more and I cannot do anything to make God love me less.

I am confident and unashamed because of the love He lavishes on me daily and there is no condemnation for me who is in Christ Jesus.

I remember Christ and all that He has done for me personally—privately and also what He has done for all of humanity; and I have faith that He will do it again and again! Nothing is impossible with Him!

I humbly come to God with an attitude of complete dependence on God. I never cease asking for what I trust He has put on my heart.

Because of my faith I am encouraged! Whether my circumstances are good or not so good; I bring my requests to God every morning with great expectations, knowing full well, that He hears me and longs to answer my prayers.

I hear my God saying, “Your faith is great and your requests are granted; because of your faith you and your family are blessed.”

Thank you Father for my son and the gift of faith that You have also given him.

God bless you Joshua.
I pray and ask God to continue to grow your faith and bless you immensely.
Happy Birthday; my precious son!

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