
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring Fever is Budding

Spring is such a wonderful time of year….and with the warmer days and buzz of spring fever, I can see that is is right around the corner. With the new buds beginning to form on the trees and fresh flowers pushing up from the soil…it’s both exciting and refreshing. Why then do I feel a battle of weariness? I cannot put my finger on it…but everyone I talk to is battling some sort of craziness and busy schedule. Does the warmer weather bring with it a fuller schedule? Or is everyone really in need of the upcoming break? I’m sensing the nudge to rest and take pause right this very moment.
Specifically, remembering earlier in the week my desire to shake a tree…yep…just shake it!! Shake it until my head hurt and made all of the dead leaves fall from the tree. There surely could be an easier way…like perhaps God causing a gust of wind to pluck the stubborn leech-like things to fall. I mean, don’t they know they are 2 seasons behind!!!
Maybe I was a bit frustrated about the happenings of my day…I’m not sure what I was feeling at the moment; but I noticed that the tree had tiny, green, new buds beginning to form on the tree and yet it still had dead leaves attached. It still bothers me!!
I realize I don’t like it when things are undone, or lingering unfinished! I desired to shake that tree so that the dead leaves would fall off and leave only what was fresh and newly budding remaining on that tree. Making it better in my eyes…not necessarily in God’s eyes and that might be the entire issue…hmmm.
Call me strange…I call myself strange at times…I never quite understood why people would use metaphors to explain things…but I’m grasping this the more I read the Bible. I believe God has been for a time calling my attention to trees and that I am one…a living breathing vessel…or tree for Him able to produce fruit when I remain in Him. (catch the metaphor?)
Just yesterday I was reminded of scripture in Gal 6 which talks about sowing the seed and the fact that the seed has to die and be buried in order to produce a harvest…Oh, could God be calling my attention to the things in my life right now—the things that frustrate me—the relationships that just seem to not be right—the to do list that just doesn’t seem to ever be completely checked off...the things that I actually want made right—yet not sure how? The busy schedule for a time which means that I may have to live with a mess in my study a bit longer?
Could God be beckoning me to remember that I have been called to die? To live for His purposes not my own? To surrender my desires for His desires? For, I know He has poured out his love into my heart (Rom 5:5) and He died for me before I even knew Him. I am called to be like Him.
But it is more than that because Jesus did more than die...HE ROSE AGAIN!! There is hope and mighty power found within the Spirit that dwells in me!!! I can’t help but say “Yes, I agree…in Your time Father, I surrender to your timing of shaking off all the things that I just can’t seem to make look right—like a perfect newly budding tree…I offer my sacrifice of praise and confess that I am nothing without You…help me to do good and to share with others…(Heb 13:15-16)…not for my glory—but FOR YOU ALONE!!
So, I attempt just this as I watch the wind blow the few leaves outside…
As we feel the spring breeze blow across our faces; may we feel God’s love and grace cleansing us—reminding us that we are holy and pure—not because of anything we have or will do in our lives…but because of what Christ has done for us!
As the wind blows the last of the stubborn dead leaves off of the trees may we remind ourselves to surrender to God and let loose anything that may be hindering our new growth. And also take some time to notice all the new buds that are already forming in and around us!!
May we encourage one another to not grow weary and may we continue to sow God’s seed of love in our lives; knowing that we will reap a harvest in due time. My family has adopted this scripture and my husband and I are meditating on this Word…”Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” Jer 6:16. Rest my dear friends is found in standing, looking, asking and walking with our good Lord!
I think it is time to go water the flowers…

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