
Friday, August 17, 2012

Are You Ready?

Picture found here: fall-leaves

Are you ready?  These three words are echoing in my head as I have said good-bye to the sluggish days of summer and hello to the frenzy days of fall. 

With a house full of boys; one might expect that with this new season also comes the ushering of many football games…but really even boys filled my home I loved this game and watched it often. 

I remember being an awkward twelve-year-old playing ball with the neighborhood boys.  One in particular, showed my girlfriends and me how to play the game of football.  I humbly profess that it was not long before I impressed the boys with my spiral…and I have to hold back my smile when I see the reaction from others still because this momma can throw a football-ha!

I have no problem getting into the competitive game and cheering them on…it is truly my passion and purpose right now to cheer on my boys in whatever they are doing.

However, with this cheering comes some emotions because…that’s my boy out there getting tackled and bruised and banged up.

This is a boy who loves football!
Thank goodness for Dad and his coaching abilities to keep encouraging him through the pain because the tender parts of me want to just wrap my arms around him and keep him from feeling the pain.  I really feel for my sister who is forced to play both roles as her husband died years ago from a brain tumor.  My sister impresses me by the way she has been able to play both the tough dad and the tender mom roles so well…but I know it is still hard. 

As I think about this upcoming season and I hear the coaches on the field proclaim their shrilling words, “Are you ready for some football?”  I also hear my God whispering…”Are you ready for this adventure?” 

Both bring pain and both promise joy! 

Both require courage and perseverance!

Both shape our character and energize our souls!

As I think about these similarities right now in my life, I cannot also think about the impressions the Willow Creek Leadership Summit that I attended last week had on my heart and soul.   There is so much that I took from this conference and God keeps bringing sweet nuggets of encouragement to my memory and I will surely blog soon and share all of my notes…look for those soon. 

I actually shared just a tidbit  on Girlfriendit Radio and you can hear more of Patty and Lisa’s take-aways too here: Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit – Debriefing  or you can also download the free podcast from iTunes here.
During the conference, I remember texting back and forth with Patty and Lisa; and ironically during 
Condoleezza Rice’s talk…I think Patty shared via text that she ate a donut and then felt GROSS…

At the moment I received Patty’s text, Condoleezza Rice said, “It is a privilege to struggle.” 

I had to laugh and actually I think I couldn’t help but giggle just a little out loud at the timing of that…and I texted back Condoleezza’s words…poor Patty had to struggle with the feelings of grossness—what a privilege! 

But seriously, it is hard and difficult to walk this path of life.   No one likes to feel pain; but as I see my little 4  ½ foot warrior boy turning into a man…and an awfully good wide-receiver for his age, I might add ;-) 

I see my boy fighting through the pain and because he loves the game, he ends up still energized

I then recognize my own pain that I have to lay at Jesus’ feet every day; because it is simply too heavy for my to carry on my own shoulders.

It is like decomposing—Patty and Lisa kept repeating this word throughout the show…you will have to listen and hear Lisa’s ‘decomposing’ story.  However, I can’t help but think that decompressing-decomposing is just what we are called to do….

Scripture reads in John 12:24, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit."  John 12:24 ESV

Decompose-die…so that He may live…He may live in us!

I feel the passion stirring in my heart, the cheering section of angels encamped around me (Psalm 34).

I choose to fight through the pain…and even try to rejoice in it....

because I simply love Jesus...and this energizes my soul!

What about you?  ….  Are you ready?

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