
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 2 of Life on Purpose

Rick Warren states that this is a good truth to live on and I have to agree…a truth I need to remind myself of often. God made me so He could love me. This love is really hard to fathom…especially when there is so much propensity in this life to have the act of love distorted.

For myself, I know I am more prone to try and earn love than to just accept love. Striving to earn it seems to be my default and unless I steep myself deep into God’s Word daily I find myself there striving. Be still and know that I am God I often hear Him whisper…relax!!

Last night JD had the privilege of bringing home his Kindergarten’s class Moon Bag. Which meant he got to read a book by Eric Carle “Papa, Please Get The Moon For Me.” In addition to that, he documented the shape of the moon and journalled about it. We did all of this together as a family after reading in Genesis 1 and talking about all that God created…including us and the moon.

I couldn’t help but embrace a little whisper of love from God after reading the book and understanding in this "pretend story" a little girl asked her Papa to bring the moon down so she could play with it....but Papawasn’t able to bring down the moon until it got smaller.

I felt God saying to me that He is so much bigger than I can even imagine and the amount of His love and goodness that I can wrap my arms around is only a miniscule amount of His vast love for me!!

Praise you Father for the amount I can wrap my arms around and give me wisdom and understanding to know that there is so much more!!!

I read the poem by Russell Kelfer and asked God for the ability to grasp this truth…oh may it sink deep into my heart….

The last bit of Kelfer’s poem made me think of how God made Himself smaller just so He could live within the walls of my heart and I could grow with His love within me…

No, that trauma you faced was not easy.
And God wept that it hurt you so;
But it was allowed to shape your heart
So that into his likeness you’d grow.

You are who you are for a reason,
You’ve been formed by the Master’s rod.
You are who you are, beloved,
Because there is a God!!!

Amen! I hope you all can agree and may we continue to grasp and wrap our arms around this truth!

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