Still at the hose filling up the water balloons was our nearly two and a half feet tall friend. I just smiled again and marveled for a second at the thoughts I had a couple of days ago.
I asked God a question, “Is there something else you want to say to me about these water balloons?”
As fun as our little friend was having, I still felt the message to me this morning was
"Let go…move on."
I read in Exodus 14 where the Israelites were beginning to grumble about their situation. Their fearful hearts desired to remain in bondage rather than be in the current situation, rescued and moving forward with God.
What a place to live...rescued and moving forward with God! Are you living this way?
The Lord’s words in Exodus 14:15 were resonating in my heart,”…move on.”
Moving on can be scary at times. Moving on or keeping ourselves in a forward motion leaves a lot of questions and unknowns in our minds…especially if we don’t have faith to believe that God is bigger than any of our circumstances.
Whether we are facing extremely high hurdles or little itty bitty ones today, I believe God wants us to trust Him to carry us over the hurdle.
When I came back home from taking the boys to school this morning, I saw my little water balloon friend’s Daddy cleaning up the yard. He was winding up the hose and picking up little pieces of latex balloon that had been sprinkled throughout the lawn.
I pictured, our Daddy….God cleaning up after us.
He brings people into our lives, those who bring knowledge and understanding.
(Jer 3:15).
He surely cleans us up our messes and blesses us!
(Jer 33:6-9)
Girlfriend, I’m thanking God for continually cleaning me up and for bringing you into my life to encourage and inspire me along the way.
May we hold onto these promises together and move on!
Let's go and do something outside of the social media world today and physically hug someone who has brightened up our path along the way...AND MOVE ON!