Day 7 of Living on Purpose
Today the focus is all about realizing that we are meant to be here on this earth to bring glory to God. In preparing to worship God this morning with my church family I am thinking about how I may do that.
Will I welcome a new family that comes to Epic for the first time; will I express love with my smile and hug and friendly face? Will I sing and praise my God? Will I share and talk with the children about their week’s experiences? Will I extend a blessing to someone I look forward to seeing every Sunday? Will I step out of my comfort zone and share something with someone with God’s promptings? Will I give you glory today God?
Oh, I desire too…and I love what Jon Piper wrote, “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.” This is so true and I know that I have become to love Sunday mornings with my family not out of a duty to be there every week…but sincerely, because I love God and am so grateful for all that He has done both for me personally and for us as people…all of humanity!
I know that I have not given God the full glory that he deserves from my life so I am going to spend my lifetime seeking to do this!!
Every that God has created…reflects His glory in some way. In pondering this; I think this is why I love to go camping so much…whether we are at the beach or in the mountains we are surrounded by God’s creation and while camping I have time to walk barefoot in the sand or along the grass and take in all of His love which reflects and shines everywhere…even in the simple little things like seashells in the sand or a chipmunk perched on a stump or the leaves whistling in the wind…I hear and see God’s magnificence and find myself praising Him within my heart constantly while camping…hmmmmm…how can I live like I am camping everyday??
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