I had to chuckle to myself after chatting it up with some
girlfriends online about it. Really, God
is transforming my heart BIG time right now and He is calling me to make
some changes in how I think and respond to some things in my life right now—but really
my true emotions came out when I messed with and talked about my morning brew. Change can be delightful but hard to swallow
sometimes. Do you agree?
Anyone else working through some change right now?Are you being challenged?
Are you learning to look at your circumstances differently?
Are you learning to respond different?
Are you embracing a different attitude?
Are you being led by God to do something different?
As the seasons change, so do our minds and hearts transform as we agree
with God and walk with Him as His princesses down the paths that He has for us.
I was reminded also after listening to my pastor’s message
this weekend that it is this transformation that God wants to use to bring us
and others closer to Him. My pastor
titled his message, Come and See…and these words from John 1:46 are resonating
in my heart today as is the story told in John 9. So often I get snagged in thinking that my sad circumstances or past abusive situations occurred to punish or show me just how sinful and worthless I am—I know ridiculous…right?!?
As I even type that I know how ridiculous that is; but the reality is that even if I don’t speak it out loud, my emotions and subconscious feel this to the core because of the situations that have been present in my journey.
Just as the disciples asked in verse 1, “…who sinned this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” I can so easily replace these words with my own situation(s)….and either feel I have sinned or point the finger at the generation before me or the other sinner beside me.
Yet, Jesus explains, “Neither this man or his parents sinned…but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.” (John 9:3)
The work of God displayed in his life! Does your heart long for the work of God to be displayed in your life?
Those words ran right into my heart, covered the cracks
like a medicating salve…and spoke volumes of hope! I see that things have happened in my life too and that God desires to transform my
heart all so that God might be displayed in my life. It’s simple but complex isn’t it?
How can I more easily share this splendor and
keep it simple like the blind man who said, in John 9:25, “One thing I do know.
I was blind but now I see!”
How do you keep it simple?
Can you help me keep it simple? Is there one thing we know?I want to share more of the changes that have occurred in my life and heart….kind of like the change to almond milk in my coffee--but beyond that; don't you?
I believe God has helped me create this simple list—what can
you add to this list with me?
*I was once feeling unloved and unwanted…now I am loved and
cherished (Deut 7:9).
*I was once searching for purpose…now I know God has a great
plan and purpose for my life. (Jer 29:11)
*I was once broken and ashamed of my past feeling defeated…now
I am living…although not perfectly, but as an overcomer—more than a conqueror
with Christ. (Romans 8:37)
As we remember where we’ve been, may we stay focused on
where we are going with Christ.
How do you keep it simple and stay focused on this ever transforming journey?
Let's chat it up and laugh about our ways and keep going with our King...one step, one splash of almond milk at a time. But seriously, I am asking for your input and help...please dare to go with me and respond below.
This blog speaks loudly to my heart this week. I feel a change, a internal transformation, but can't quite put my finger on it. I find myself questioning my normal routine, questioning the path, looking for direction in the path I am on. To sum it up, I feel turmoil and can't quite explain it. So I am trying to focus on turning my doubt to faith. Trusting that God is working within me. He is preparing me for that path ahead and I have to trust with certainity that He is clear of my path and will show me the way. I want answers, but must be patient... sometimes that is tough. All the while, I feel so blessed to live my life and aim to slow down, and take things one step at a time.
I love that Candace...one step at a time. Your words reminded me that it does take time...praying for us as we trust Him one baby step at a time.
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