
Monday, February 27, 2012

A New Filling!

My heart is turned to newness this morning.  It’s a new day, a new week, and almost a new month!  For one of my boys it’s a ‘new nine’ after he had his birthday this weekend.  And 2 Cor 5:17 says that if we are in Christ, we are a new creation. 

Since I lasted posted I left you with my desire to keep walking; and while doing just that this past weekend with my youngest boy, I heard the Lord speak to my heart.  

As my little guy turned around in his seat he beckoned with the tone of his cry and the handing me of his cup to fill it up!  He did not understand that I had nothing to fill it with at the moment and I was struck at his persistence.  He continually kept turning around to hand me his cup so I was able to capture this moment. 

I caught on that he was trusting me to fill his cup and expecting me to do it—right then and there.  As I realized this, I heard from the recesses of my own heart,”Give me your empty cup—each time and I will fill it!” 

Is there something that is empty that needs filling in your life, in your heart? Maybe you need to be filled with a fresh perspective, or filled with a fresh word of encouragement.

Let’s encourage one another to seek Him and ask Him to fill us! 

How do you seek Him and be filled?

For it was I, the LORD your God, who rescued you from the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it with good things.”  Psalm 81:10

So how do you seek God?  What does that look like for you? 

Have you experienced God’s rescuing…maybe you’ve been healed, removed from a situation or simply free from emotional pain from your past circumstances?

Have you experienced God filling you with good things? 

I would love for you to share your experiences—I know—I can almost hear the groans! Why is it so uncomfortable for us to share our experiences?  Do we fear sounding foolish or inadequate or even boastful or prideful?  Let’s BREAK FREE!   I would love to hear how God has filled you recently!

We were meant to learn from one another’s experiences and rather than just share with you this little picture of my boy and how His actions reminded my heart to seek Him to fill me, I also see purpose in my asking you to share your own experience!

I did not grow up walking with God and until I started asking people how they walked and recognized their emptiness and sought our God to fill them; I never knew what exactly to look for— 

Your heart and your experiences encourage me—YES yours!  And I know that your courage will bless another heart too! 

Maybe we can just do something NEW today.  Looking forward to hearing from you and rejoicing in how God has filled you!


Anonymous said...

I can feel God the strongest when I am able to "serve" others. A group of us got together to surprise our friend with a clean house and God filled us all up. It is such an amazing, joyful feeling.

J-Girl said...

Such a great reminder! Thank you for sharing :) So great to be filled by Him as we extend ourselves to another--such a blessing! Keep going!