
Friday, February 12, 2010

Ticked Enough...

I’m enjoying this wonderful month of February and anticipating more joyous celebration this weekend! I am juggling in my mind the desire to get some cleaning items off of my list before Grandma and Grandpa come over, write more details for Chapter 3 & 4 of my book, and get myself ready for a date with my Valentine tonight. At the same time; my heart is yearning to have time away to reflect and write and I am hoping to carve out sometime over the long weekend to do just that.
Real quick: I want to write my thoughts about Chapter1&2 that I read yesterday from a book I actually want to already re-write the title of “Hello Soul-Deep Security!” I am smiling at myself right now because I think it was the author Beth Moore who taught me to re-write God’s Word at times to personalize it…and well I want to personalize her title and embrace what I will saying Hello to rather than what I am saying goodbye to.
The first chapter is titled “Mad Enough to Change” and I agree with Beth and am also “seriously ticked” about the destruction insecurity causes along with other things. At the same time I am rejoicing that God uses this emotion to propel us forward to change when we choose to acknowledge it and His work in our lives.
I am ticked that I still stumble from time to time from believing insecure thoughts and relying on someone other than God for filling my security tank. I’ve seen my share of relationship falter because either I or someone else was shaken by Insecurity and it’s both infuriating and heart-breaking.
I am surrendering to the Spirit in this and determined to no longer allow any insecurity to have an effect on the abundant life Jesus died for me to possess. I am committed to listen and do what I need to do to keep insecurities free from my heart, mind and soul so that they won’t hurt, limit or even distract me from profound effectiveness for God’s Kingdom or fulfillment of God’s purposes. Nor will I take part in allowing insecurities to hinder me and snuff out the Spirit within me to make my gifts unproductive and useless. (Page 15). Oh every fiber in my being cries out, “Father, please help me!”
Oh, nothing like getting the blood pumping in your veins!! This girl has a fresh perspective and is trying on a new pair of shoes—and girlfriend…THEY FIT!!!

1 comment:

Cameo said...

Julie, you just made me laugh out loud. Girlfriend, your new shoes DO fit and... they look good! :)