Perfect time for some things to be changing a little around here...
With things changing and another blog in the works (look for joining me on the 'Princess Path' coming in just a few short months), I've decided to focus a little different around this here journey and you will hear a bit more of my specific life as a mother, daughter, sister, friend. The structure side of me wants to have a specific days to write with specific themes; but I sense the word FREEDOM coming from the bottom of my toes and we will just see what transpires as I just surrender to write again.e
Please feel free to come along with me and let's see what we discover in our lives together.
To jump start this adventure I just want to share a bit from our real life yesterday.
We visited the zoo yesteday and there is something about being surrounded by nature and makes you just feel basic and real.
I read this sign pointing to the truth that we gravitate towards 'real life.'
What do you gravitate towards in your life? What is real around you?
We watched as an ocelot ate his supper. The zoo keeper put out fruit, ground meat and inside a paper bag was a dead--but real life rat. We were surprised to see that the ocelot sniffed the ground meat first, but went to the paper bag and slowly began to open it to eat the dead--but real life rat. My sis even commented on the fact that it didn't eat what was easy...but what was most real.
Do we challenge ourselves to go for what is real rather than what is easy?
I know I often desire what is easy...but God brings what is real.
Something that is real right now in my life is DISAPPOINTMENT :(
Yes, God has stirred in my heart to write and I have a book--even edited by a former professional editor. Something I believe that God has given me that is real and by my sharing, I believe and pray that it has the power to change, inspire and encourage another. Yet, this project--this dream is at a standstill because it costs to have a publisher look at it. I even had a publisher contact me three times last week, (twice by phone and once by email), they are so willing and want to read it--but it costs--costs more than I can afford right now.
There I said it--there I shared it--and there it is freedom and peace in speaking the truth in my heart.
What about you? What is real in your life right now? Will you share it with me? Will you allow me to see what is real in your life right now too? If you are reading this on Facebook, please feel free to comment or email or even visit my blog directly at and comment there.
In the midst of this disappointment I am encouraged and I read Kay Arthur's tweet this morning What if the things you call disappointments are really His appointments - events He is using to make you more...
Are there any disappointments that you need to see as appointments today?
I will leave you with my favorite pic from our family's favorite of my sweet little boy that God both surprised us with and graced us with almost a year ago.
In watching my boy get so excited to be in his Daddy's arms, something inside of me beckons me to see that my Heavenly Daddy is holding me too!
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